Opportunities From The Third World

AI generated graphic. Original documentation was lost. By Eduardo Menendez Back when the internet was still not as robust and omnipresent as it is nowadays, I recently had graduated from Art School in Lima, Peru, and was looking for jobs, trying to be financially independent. Things weren’t that simple; I struggled a lot the first […]
The UX Complexity: From Teamwork to Team Understanding

The below article was posted on taylor-code.com blog on March 20th 2017. Being that this is the first UX article I am writing for this blog, I have given considerable thought to the topic I should cover as a starting point. UX is such a vast arena that it is not easy to pick a topic. In […]
El Bodegon de Ulla

Based on a fragment of the book “The Tin Drum” from Günter Grass. Many years ago while I was still a dreamer. I had too many interests: Fine Arts, Performance, Music, Audiovisuals. I didn’t have a space nor a project where I could experiment and had in mind. So I decided to use what I […]